What is Twin Hearts Meditation?
The Meditation on the Twin Heart is a meditation technique aimed to reduce stress levels, improve well-being, and eventually attain Universal Consciousness. It is also a form of service to the world by increasing harmony and peace through becoming a channel to bless the earth with loving-kindness.
Chakras are energy centers in the subtle body that distribute the energy flow throughout your body.
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that the chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels of consciousness. Specifically, the term “Twin Hearts” pertains to the heart and crown energy centers:
- The heart chakra is the center of the Emotional Heart and is situated in the centre of the chest. It is the center for love, compassion, joy, affection, mercy, and other higher refined emotions.
- The crown chakra is the center of the Divine Heart. It is located at the top of the head. It is the center of illumination and divine love.
The two energy centres become “twin hearts” that bring with them divine love and peace, bringing a tremendous amount of spiritual energy, cleansing and energizing your entire energy body and all your chakras.