The Aura and the 7 Chakras
The aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds a person’s physical body. It is influenced by our moods and emotions, and sometimes by the state of others. Negative emotions, fears, anxieties, traumatic memories, and stress can reduce your energy by blocking the flow of prana through your aura, potentially leading to physical or psychological imbalances.
Chakras are energy centers that interact with our physical body, emotions, and spiritual well-being. Although they are not visible to the naked eye, chakras can be perceived clairvoyantly as radiant spheres of vibrant light. Each chakra resonates at a unique frequency and corresponds to a specific color and function within our physical and emotional bodies.
Chakras need to remain aligned, as they correspond to nerve clusters, major organs, and areas of our energy body that influence our emotional and physical well-being. When our chakras are balanced, we feel energized, centered, and focused. However, when they are blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical or emotional issues.